My first priority is to sell you a quality product free from defects. We check, by hand, every single item we sell prior to being packaged.  We do this to make sure items are in proper working order.  We will only sell you something we would carry and use ourselves.  

That being said, we are human and things slip past us from time to time.  So if you are, in any way, unsatisfied with your Jack Wolf product, please reach out to us so we can understand the issue and work towards a solution.  

We take every customer inquiry seriously.  I always prefer to speak on the phone, but please email me first at so we can setup a time to talk. I handle all customer service inquiries personally, I will respond to you promptly, and I will treat you how I would like to be treated. You have my word.  At the end of the day I want you to be happy and that is always my goal.  


Benjamin Belkin

Owner / Operator